Feminist Identity (The Education of Shelby Knox)
Being a feminist is about making your life whatever you want it to be
and standing up to the forces who are telling you what you want is
impossible or undesirable because of your gender, race, sexuality,
class, trans status, age, ability and all the intersections thereof. I
would encourage you to tell your story – your hopes, dreams,
frustrations – to as many people as possible. This is how we find out
we’re not alone and we’re not imagining the barriers that keep us from
getting what we want and need. This is also how you’ll find your coven,
your group of friends with whom you’ll organize, hash out complicated
political issues, laugh with when the going gets rough, and celebrate
with when you have personal or political victories. There is no
prescription for how to be a feminist, no membership office at which we
all apply – follow that voice in your head that’s telling you something
is unfair and you’ll always be on the right track!*
* (Shelby Knox)
* (Shelby Knox)
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